If you can believe it, my first term at EBC is nearing an end. There are just ten more class days left. Today was hard to get going for though. I’ve got a lingering clogged sinus condition that’s either an infection or the beginnings of my spring allergies. So last night, I had no energy, even after an afternoon nap, which, honestly, was catch-up for not sleeping well the night before. Anyway, I did a bit of reading and half a review assignment for Pro Development, and lay down on the couch to listen to the Otters game on the radio around 8. I just didn’t feel like doing anything and went to bed at 9, figuring I’d get up at 6 to finish up the stuff that had to be done for today.
I woke up right at 6 with my alarm, but really didn’t want to do the morning preparation routine, had to get angry with myself, just to get in the shower. But I did shower, and printed out some references for the research part of my interview in Speech Comm, and decided to put off for one more day the thing that’s been due for Pro Development. Basically what I fight in the mornings is my anxiety about being at class unprepared, once I get there and work at class, I feel ok. PD class was chapter review as usual, and I headed to the caff. for juice and a doughnut while I prepared for my Sp. Comm. interview.
As part of the interview, each student had to decide if our textbook’s definition and in chapter description accurately described extemporaneous speaking, which it didn’t, and we had to explain why. I did some pretty half-assed research, but was able to use personal experience with ASL, so that didn’t go too bad. The rest of the interview was fairly normal, but lack of prep make me nervous, and I could hear myself say “um, eh, ahh.” etc. though I didn’t notice until the “words” were out of my mouth. Oh well.
When people weren’t being interviewed, we were put in groups to work on our speeches, but the groups I was near ended up talking mostly about having kids, being pregnant, etc. Pretty much a blow-off class. On my way to State Street for the bus, the rain that was sprinkling off and on today had turned into icy little windblown pellets. Not fun, but what can one do? It’s an early spring day in Erie. The day got better after I got home, I went out to Taco Bell, and got one of their new and improved taco salads with lime seasoned tortilla strips and a tub of salsa. Dad had one of them a few days ago, and the couple bites I mooched off were quite tasty, so I splurged on a feel-good meal for myself today.
While I ate, I copied some cd’s onto the computer, and tried to get the album information from the internet, but Surf Erie’s being snarky and only connecting sporadically, and when it connects, it’s only in the 20 Kb range or lower. So that was frustrating, but no big deal in the scheme of things.
Now the little pellets have become some rather large and wet snowflakes. They aren’t sticking to the ground, but they’re pretty to look at. This weekend is going to be some “me” time: going to Behrend’s performance of Little Shop Of Horrors Friday, the Otters Game 2 Saturday, but I do need to get my informative speech written before then. Let’s see if the internet will work long enough for me to post this.
* nope. I wasn’t able to post this yet, so I’ll add to my play-by-play on the day since I ended my post
I played a couple games in my season of NHL 2003 after I finished writing. Good fun. Won one game, lost one by one goal. But who cares about that? Shortly after that was dinner. Ham, noodles in butter sauce, and mixed veggies. Not bad, it was good to have a sit-down dinner at the dining table with the ‘rents instead of in front of the tv.
After dinner we drove out to Office Max where I got some supplies for Pro Dev. projects and ink cartridges, then off to Borders for a browse. After much looking and debating, I got a book of stories from NHL players (who would’ve guessed?). I think when the next NHL season starts, I’ll buy a guidebook. It looks like a valuable resource, but now that this season’s practically over, the data is old. Looked at a Hellboy “graphic novel.” I don’t know how they can get away with charging $18 for a comic book, even full color on fairly glossy paper. I think I’m just getting old and cynical.
It felt good to just fart around on the computer and browse the office supply and book stores. A valuable bit of stress relief. It’s nine o’clock, and the internet still isn’t working. I can connect now, but I can’t load any pages. I guess this’ll just have to sit on my e*desktop overnight and hope for access tomorrow. I’m feeling a bit of internet withdrawal though; I haven’t been able to do my routine site visits or check email. It’s either related to this funky weather, a technical error with the ISP, or some jerk(s) think(s) it’s fun to disable the internet for April fool’s day. Oh well. Tomorrow is another day.
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